Saturday, May 29, 2010

6 Heart Attack Warning Signs For Baby Boomers

Nobody wants to admit he or she might be a candidate for a heart attack. After all, that means one is getting older and maybe hasn’t taken care of himself as much as he could have or should have. What if a person has done everything right health-wise his whole life?

It doesn’t matter how healthy a person is or how much exercise they do if they are genetically predisposed to heart problems. One of the most common causes of heart attacks in Baby Boomers is the build up of plaque in the arteries. This becomes a silent killer, especially if people over 60 ignore the warning signs.

What are some of the most common warning signs?

1.Sudden fatigue
It’s natural to feel tired after a full day’s work but if a person is feeling extremely tired early in the day for no reason, get it checked out.

2. Pain in the upper arms and up into the neck
If there is pain that is occurring in these areas that isn’t a result of exertion, it could be a warning sign of an attack.

3. Pain around the chin and especially in the jaw
In some cases the jaw will get extremely painful, almost as though there is a sudden abscess in a tooth without any reason.

4. A change in anxiety level
Even though a person may be normally calm, the onset of anxiety or stress that isn’t a result of a specific reason should be held suspect. Also, sudden weakness, cold clammy skin, and sweating needs to be checked out.

5. Heaviness without actual pain
If a person feels heaviness in the chest or back area like a weighing down, it might be a sign. Have it checked out.

People will sometimes experience palpitations. This is when the heart starts pounding and the pulse begins racing for no reason, even in a resting state. It may be nothing, but if it is combined with other signs, don’t ignore it. Try to get someone to take your pulse and give the information to your doctor.

Many people will choose to ignore the warning signs. They figure since there is no severe pain, that there is no chance that a heart attack is occurring. That is one of the biggest fallacies. It is better to get things checked out than take a chance of possible damage.

For more information there are a number of sites to research. These include and

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